Dipl.-Chem. Dr.Wolfgang Grindl
- German Patent Attorney (2007) [Patentanwalt]
- European Patent Attorney (2008)
- European Trademark and Design Attorney (2007)
- In IP since 2001
- Joined Mitscherlich in 2011
Professional Qualifications
Master’s Degree in Chemistry [Diplom-Chemiker]
Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany
Dr. rer. nat. [PhD]
Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany
Representatative before the UPC
Professional Experience
Patent Attorney at a renowned IP law firm in Munich, Germany
Trainee at the Federal Patent Court in Munich, Germany
Technical Fields
- Biotechnology
- Biochemistry
- Food Chemistry
- Immunology
- Enzymology
- Protein Chemistry
- Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Polymer Chemistry
Member of FICPI, epi, GBM (German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), GDCh (German Society of Chemists)