Dipl.-Ing.Maximilian Thönebe
- German Patent Attorney (2017) [Patentanwalt]
- European Patent Attorney (2019)
- European Trademark and Design Attorney (2017)
- In IP since 2013
- Joined Mitscherlich in 2015
Professional Qualifications
Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology [Diplom-Ingenieur]
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Representatative before the UPC
Professional Experience
Trainee at the Federal Patent Court in Munich, Germany
Trainee at the Regional Court for patent litigation in Munich, Germany
Trainee Patent Attorney at Mitscherlich
Trainee Patent Attorney at a renowned IP law firm in Munich, Germany
Technical Fields
- Electrical Engineering
- Semiconductor Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Measurement Technology
- Lighting Technology
- Optics
- Computer Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Communications Technology
Member of FICPI, VDE (Association for Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technologies)