Dipl.-Phys.Jens Beder
- German Patent Attorney (2005) [Patentanwalt]
- European Patent Attorney (2005)
- European Trademark and Design Attorney (2005)
- In IP since 2000
- Joined Mitscherlich in 2000
Jens Beder specialises in the prosecution of patents and in offering pre-litigation advice, including issuing risk assessment opinions. His academic qualification in technical physics and his previous occupation as a development engineer in the automotive sector pro-vide a solid background for serving a variety of prestigious industrial clients. These range, for example, from the electronics and entertainment industries to special machinery, semiconductors and solar manufacturing systems. Software patents are a recurring feature for many of these devices and appliances.
Jens Beder describes his professional duties as being “at the interface between the algorithm and the automotive machine”.
Professional Qualifications
Master’s Degree in Physics [Diplom-Physiker]
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Professional Experience
Management of large patent portfolios
Leading a team of attorneys and patent professionals at Mitscherlich
Trainee at the Federal Patent Court in Munich, Germany
Trainee Patent Attorney at Mitscherlich
Development Engineer for passive occupant restraint systems at TRW Automotive in Aschau a. Inn, Germany
Representatative before the UPC
Technical Fields
- Hydraulics
- Occupant Restraint Systems
- Combustion Engines
- Production and Handling Lines
- Communication Technology
- Measuring Electronics
- RF Technology
- Material Science
- Thin Film Deposition
- Mechanics
Member of FICPI, epi, VPP