Dipl.-Phys.Thomas Körfer
- German Patent Attorney (1995) [Patentanwalt]
- European Patent Attorney (1996)
- European Trademark and Design Attorney (1995)
- In IP since 1992
- Joined Mitscherlich in 1992
- Partner since 1997
Thomas Körfer works for his clients in all matters concerning the prosecution and litigation of patents for a wide range of technologies. This includes giving strategic advice on patent licensing and tax-related IP issues, evaluations, calculation of damages and infringement opinions. He represents clients in proceedings before the EPO and the German Federal Patent Court and often assumes a coordinating role in patent infringement cases involving German and other national courts in the EU and beyond. He is also engaged in matters of employee inventions where he was elected to sit on the board of arbitrators at the GPTO.
He leads a team of highly qualified attorneys who have the necessary legal and technical experience to serve an international clientele from very diverse sectors of industry. Thomas Körfer writes articles, and is a regular speaker at conferences of organisations such as AIPLA, AIPPI and LESI.
Professional Qualifications
Master’s Degree in Physics [Diplom-Physiker]
University of Ulm and Technical University of Stuttgart, Germany
Post-graduate research in semiconductor science at the Technical University of Munich, Germany
Representatative before the UPC
Professional Experience
Experienced in international patent prosecution, litigation and licensing
Management of large patent portfolios
Leading a team of attorneys and patent professionals at Mitscherlich
Trainee at the Federal Patent Court in Munich and at the Regional Courts for patent litigation in Düsseldorf and Munich, Germany
Trainee Patent Attorney at Mitscherlich
Technical Fields
- Semiconductor Devices
- Communication Technology
- Measuring Electronics
- RF Technology
- Computer Science
- Hydraulics
- Automobile
- Software
- Combustion engines
- Electronic Hardware
Member of FICPI, epi, GRUR, AIPPI, AIPLA, Intellectual Property Consulting Group of the Association of German Industry (BDI)
Member of the Chamber of Arbitration for employee inventions at the German Patent and Trademark Office
Publications in several journals